Supervision is a partnership between a coach and a coaching supervisor.   As such, it is important to ensure both the coach and supervisor are clear on expectations and responsibilities.  These are outlined below and by booking a supervision session with us, you are signalling your agreement. These are in addition to our more general terms and conditions which can be found here.


  • Supervision is not about telling a coach what they should be doing.  Rather, it is a safe, confidential, non-judgemental space for a coach to reflect on ethical, client and practice issues.
  • Each time the supervisor and coach meet, they will contract together to ensure the session is focused on what the coach wishes to achieve in the session.  
  • Whilst the supervisor might on occasion, and with the agreement of the coach, offer tools, theories or insights that may be relevant, it is up to the coach to determine their applicability and to accept sole responsibility for any changes they adopt.


Coach Responsibilities

  • To work ethically at times and in line with the code of ethics for any professional coaching body that they are aligned to.
  • To engage in reflective practice to increase awareness of patterns, thoughts and behaviours that may influence how they work as a coach.
  • To determine the focus and objectives of each supervision session.
  • To take sole responsibility for any changes they wish to implement as a result of supervision and resulting consequences (intended or otherwise).
  • To address and resolve any ethical concerns raised by the supervisor. 
  • To discuss, unless otherwise essential, client issues in a way that respects and maintains the confidentiality of their clients.

Supervisor Responsibilities

  • To create a safe, confidential, non-judgemental and reflective space by role modelling effective contracting.
  • To work to the coach’s agenda unless there are specific ethical concerns which will take priority
  • To increase the coach’s awareness of any underlying psychological influences such as parallel processes, transference, counter transference, blind spots and more, that may be interfering with the coach’s practice.
  • To bring to the coach’s attention any ethical concerns that they have.
  • To respect the confidentiality of the coach and any clients that the coach may discuss in supervision. 
  • To manage the time and supervision process.